Saturday, January 03, 2009

A Year That Passed :)

Finally another year went by as quickly as it arrived.. For me year 2008 ended with a lot of fun and some really good memories. As compared to year 2007, last year was a million times better. A lot of good things happened, some things were undone, a lot of thing realized and a lot of better decisions made. So in general I did pretty good :).

One thing which was a terrible loss for me and nothing can be done to over come that loss ever was the death of my lovely and beloved grandma :(, (may her souls rest in peace n she gets the best place in heaven, Ameen.). she was the most sweet, lovely and dearest person, one could ever know. She loved me soo much and was soo close to me that sometimes I feel really depressed on losing her. She held a really important place in my life and that empty slot can never be fulfilled. I love you grand ma and miss you a lot!

But yeah, it can be said that this year was not very lucky for our country and the world’s affairs. A severe economic crisis hit the world which devastated a lot of people and still the shocks of it are there. A lot of trouble and turmoil in our country as well, due to stupid govt. policies, rising inflation, food shortages and bomb blasts etc. all these things really stress me out n I wonder why cant people live peacefully in this beautiful world and make it a piece of heaven rather that killing each other. I sure hope this terrorism taking place to stop the so called TERRORISM stops and the year ahead stays peaceful.

But, people say happiness and sorrow are directly related and go side by side. Where there is sorrow, happiness also comes somewhere around it. The year 2008 was a lot fun for us, specially D.A (myself), Circuit (my sister ariba) and M.B ( my cousin mehwish) (by the way these are the nick names for us ; long story to it.. LOLZ) we three had a blast and literally rocked ourselves out. Concerts, weddings, movies, dinners… U name it! We bought out anything at all to laugh our heads off out of the most serious things…

My academic year was also normal.. the spring semester was okay, but the fall semester turned out good MAshAllah and not am studying as my final eXams are approaching… I also interned this year at J.W.T (an advertising firm), the experience was okay, not so good, but than later a friend of mine also joined in so it turned out to b interesting than.

Apart from all this, this year we did a lot of shopping and a lot of trips to bazzars, as there was a wedding in the house… My first cousin brother’s wedding and we were organizing it! So clothes everywhere, shoes n jewelry, renovation in the houses, cleaning, this n that! And finally December arrived, with which all the relatives and guests also arrived from abroad. We all celebrated eid together. Eid was very busy as everyone was gathered at our home and together there were 16 goats, 2 sheeps and 1 cow sacrificed.. Woah, that’s what everyone said… meat n meat everywhere, but than that’s what the fun is all about! The third day of eid we had Bar B Q. after eid the events of the wedding began and we had loads of fun in the celebrations.

By grace of Allah, this year began and ended with a lot of fun, with some sorrows and tensions, in between as well, but I guess its all a part of life to keep it balanced!

I thank Allah Almighty for protecting us and helping us all the way through uptill now very smoothly and in a blessed way, and pray to have a really good year ahead. This year is very important for me in every way. My last year of bachelors has started n inshALLAH by next year Jan I will be a graduate :).

I wish myself and everyone peace, best wishes and a good and successful year ahead.


Best Regards,

Aliza Moiz~